Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Whoa... (the catch up post)

So I have been really super lazy with this blog. Things have been pretty busy. I am mostly trying to deal with the weather constantly playing with my emotions. But the good news is that my birthday is coming up and it is on the first day of spring (according to some calendars), so we have nothing but sunny skies ahead.

I have been watching way too many travel shows lately and now all I want to do is travel.

Damn you PBS.
Damn you Rick Steve's Europe.
Damn you Rudy Maxa.

I want to visit so many countries, I don't even know where to start. My latest favorite was the show on Switzerland, so now that may be on the top of my list. Norway, Sweden and Finland are also in the running for the top contenders. And Great Britain has always been a must for me. Some of my favorite things came from there: The Beatles, The Naked Chef, The Office, Horatio Hornblower. ahhhh, it will be lovely.

Other than that, my life has been filled with school, work, and busy-ness.

I promise I won't slack off so much.

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