Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Winter Hibernation | Video Games

So winter is officially here and it's going to be sticking around for awhile. To prepare for this, Jason and I have been geeking out enough for the past few months to build up a huge arsenal of things to keep us occupied during the winter.

First off, we have spent a ridiculous amount of money on video games. We bought Rock Band awhile back ( I can't wait for The Beatles version), I still have about 4 games to finish on my DS, we downloaded Dr. Mario and Tetris on the Wii, and then there are the life consuming Little Big Planet, Animal Crossing and Grand Theft Auto. To top it all off, we also have an NES and SNES emulator hooked up to the tv with any game that ever came out on those systems available to us.

Jeesh, I will never go outside.

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