Monday, February 4, 2008

Another Movie Font | The Big Red Comedy

This blog link was posted along with the article that I found the Trajan movie font clip in and I find it to be equally as interesting. It discusses the theory that the majority of comedy titles are done in big, red, sans serif type. And from the font choice, we can in fact tell that the movie will not be funny. It seems like studios are using it as more of a call out to certain types of movie goers and it lets them know that no thinking will be involved during the viewing of this film.

The author shows some examples and the list is quite daunting...and fairly accurcate.

Then this guy read that article and decided to see if the theory was true. Well you can read for yourself what he came up with. I think the results are a little skewed because this is he based his results on his Netflix ratings. And from the look of things, I think he feels he is the authority of bad comedies.

Either way, it is an interesting concept to explore: fonts and the movies that love them.

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