Saturday, February 9, 2008

Recent Purchase (slash) Recent Concert

Last night, Jason and I attended the Daniel Johnston show at First Ave. Overall it was a pretty good experience.
Here is the rundown:
• We found an open meter (which we had to fight for with knives and fists)
• We got into the show for free (with only a small amount of confusion)
• We got free coat check (with my mad connections)
• We had a crazy but kindly drunk helping us find a good view of the stage (he also like to grab lesbian butts)

The place was pretty packed with hipsters. Some of the hipsters were what I called "To The Max" because you could tell that every fiber of their being was dedicated to being as hipstery as humanly possible. There were non-hipsters there too. My favorite was the older rocker woman jamming like she was at a Poison show in 1989.

Daniel's performance was overall pretty good. The lo-fi charm of his music really stood out when he played by himself but later became more muddled when a backing band joined. The band felt awkward and clunky and sort of stole away the innocence of the songs. (That last statement made it sound like the band raped the songs...well maybe that's true.) Daniel sounded pretty good considering is age and the fact that he is schizophrenic (which might be what makes him brilliant).

But the BEST part of the night was my purchase of yet another Aesthetic Apparatus poster. The second I got in the door, I darted over to the merch stand and bought one. And luckily you can check posters at the purse check so you don't have to carry it around like a big weenie all night.

Typographic Close-Up! Boop!

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